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The year 3087. The earth resources have finally met their end.
In order to survive the human race must find another planet to sustain.
After five years of research a new planet was dicovered.
A planet that is already inhabited...

This real time strategy game (RTS) is using the mouse cursor to select, build and order units.
Press X key to pause the game.
Press E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P keys to build barracks.
Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 keys to train unit soldier.
Press W and S keys to scroll up and down.
Dont forget to use the upgrade options at the starmap.
For more instruction look at help section.

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Flash | Adventure | Action | Management | Multiplayer | Pixel | Puzzle | RPG | Simulation | Strategy | More Games
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Bomb Frog

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Pixel Town

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Pico Tennis

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